Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift Training Course

Why do I need training?

During your course you have an opportunity to learn things you cannot learn on your own. Good training will help you to deliver the best results from your first application.

Course Overview:  Elleebana’s one shot lash lift treatment is the hottest trend in the eyelash industry that allows you to offer your customers luscious lifting natural lashes that will last for week, all in the blink of an eye. This arms you with the detailed concept of lash lifting as well as the hidden tips to mastering your technique to achieve the perfect lift each and every time. Our theory session commences with product knowledge and understanding of the delicate eye area that you are working with, contraindications and how to consult for this treatment.

You are guided through the cost and income potential of lash lifting to build your confidence and marketability. Our hand selected trainer will then demonstrate to you a lash lift in detail – we take our time walking through the treatment step by step and showcasing the common mistakes made and how to correct these errors to ensure your results are flawless.

You will then work on a model under the careful guidance and instruction of our trainer paying close attention to the key elements of lash lifting. Your course also requires submission of before and after images for assessment after your training date to further ensure you have been able to retain and apply your new found skills.

Topics we cover:

  • Eye and Eyelash anatomy and structure
  • Business and room set up
  • Ingredients knowledge
  • Procedure knowledge
  • Correct storage
  • Health, safety and sanitation – for your clients and for yourself
  • Pre-procedure preparations and contra-indications
  • Product information and usage and storage guides for the products
  • Consultation, reactions and the importance of indemnity and legal requirements
  • Patch testing and tinting with Belmacil lash and brow tints
  • Cost of treatment and income potential
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Reversed and relaxed treatments as well as lower lash care
  • Detailed procedure
  • Homecare advise
  • Taking a good before and after images
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Case Study submissions
  • Criteria Checklist form
  • Course price: Ask your trainer

50€ non-refundable cancellation fee applies and is included in the above mentioned price and full payment is required to secure your position at a class.

Course inclusions:  A Full sized lash lifting kit valued at 155,00€ with a minimum of 15applications(can be extended to professional size of minimum of 30 applications upon extra cost of 50 €)

You also receive, instructional copyrighted manual, criteria checklist, students exam, and a certificate upon submission of a minimum of 3 before and after images that are successful.

Important times: Duration is around 6 -7 hours. You then will have three months to submit your before and after images for assessment. We have a lot to cover and we are extremely passionate about you getting the most from this class so please be prepared and bring a packed lunch or snacks.

Model required: Depending on the class size you might be required to provide a model. If the class has even numbers of attendees then the class can work on each other however this will be determined by your trainer and the venue booking the workshop. If you are required to have the treatment performed on you, please arrive with no eye makeup and ensure you are not contraindicated for this treatment.

Click below to view the contraindications

Μην κάνετε τη θεραπεία όταν υπάρχει :

o             Θετική αντίδραση σε τεστ αλλεργίας. Το τεστ πρέπει να γίνεται 24 ώρες πριν από τη διαδικασία

o          Κύστες (Μια κύστη είναι ένα κομμάτι του άνω ή κάτω βλεφάρου που προκαλείται από την απόφραξη και την κατακρήμνιση ενός αδένα του οφθαλμικού καλύμματος – επίσης γνωστή ως μεσοβιακή η γάγγλιο, χαλάζιο ή κοκκίωμα κύστη.)

o          Κριθαράκι στο βλέφαρο (είναι συχνά αποτέλεσμα μόλυνσης από το βακτήριο του σταφυλόκοκκου)

o          Βλεφαρίτιδα (είναι μια οφθαλμική πάθηση που χαρακτηρίζεται από χρόνια φλεγμονή του βλεφάρου)

o          Χημειοθεραπεία

o          Δερματική ασθένεια, τραύμα του δέρματος, κοψίματα, εκδορές, εγκαύματα και πρήξιμο στην περιοχή του ματιού

o          Δερματικές παθήσεις στη γενική περιοχή των ματιών (Dermatisis, Xanthelasma&Syringoma)

o          Οφθαλμικές λοιμώξεις όπως η επιπεφυκίτιδα

o          Φλεγμονές των ματιών, όπως η ραγοειδίτιδα

o          Πρόσφατες χειρουργικές επεμβάσεις στα μάτια και γύρω περιοχή, στο κεφάλι ή στο πρόσωπο ή έντονες ουλές στη περιοχή.

o          Υγρά μάτια

o          Υπερευαίσθητο δέρμα / μάτια

o          Κερατίτιδές

o          Αλωπεκία (απώλεια μαλλιών)

o          Trichotillomania ( μια διαταραχή ελέγχου η οποία είναι η καταναγκαστική ώθηση οπού ο παθών βγάζει τα μαλλιά του από τη ρίζα)

o          Παράλυση Bell ή οποιαδήποτε πάθηση που κάνει δύσκολο το κλείσιμο ή το άνοιγμα των οφθαλμών

o          Οποιαδήποτε ασθένεια / διαταραχή που προκαλεί ανατάραξη, σπασμωδικές κινήσεις ή διαταραχές

o          Καταστραμμένες , εύθραυστές βλεφαρίδες

Απαιτείται συμβουλή ιατρού :

  • Σύνδρομο ξηροφθαλμίας
  • Γλαύκωμα/ Καταρράκτης
  • Μετά τη χημειοθεραπεία

Ειδικές περιπτώσεις ;

  • Κλειστοφοβία : ο πελάτης δεν πρέπει να ανοίγει τα μάτια του κατά τη διάρκεια της θεραπείας .
  • Αλλεργική ρινίτιδα: τα μάτια μπορούν να είναι υγρά, υπάρχει κίνδυνος να εισέλθουν τα προϊόντα στα μάτια


Μπορούν να φορεθούν ξανά αμέσως μετά την ολοκλήρωση της διαδικασίας

Important notes:The Elleebana lash lift treatment is one of the fastest on the market and so if you have previously trained with another brand you might find some similarities between the treatment but we ask that you are willing to re-learn what you might know as our comprehensive Lash Lifting  Class is assured to offer more understanding of lash lifting treatments than ever before. We don’t leave you to your own devises and guide you through your treatment carefully perfecting your techniques and understanding of the treatment – you are welcome to call and contact us after your day of training with any questions that you might have, feedback of any kind and the correspondence continues as you submit your before and after images for assessment.